Declaration of Intent: Station Manager Position
- Post Authorby Web manager
- Post DateTue Nov 05 2013
I, Quinn Wholean, come to you as a potential candidate for Station Manager of 91.7 FM WSUM Student Radio, the Snake on the Lake. My previous experience with the station started as the host of Beats on Q during the Spring 2013 semester as a community volunteer. Over the summer, I continued my show and also sat in as a summer WSUM camp counselor. With my recent transition into UW-Madison as an Ag Business major, I hope to also play the role of Station Manager for the dedicated and talented staff of the student radio community. Along with being socially connected to the Madison music scene I have had the opportunity to pursue management as a previous occupation and therefore have learned the skills needed to effectively run meetings.
One major goal I have for the station if elected would be to make WSUM known nationally as a top 5 college radio station among college radio stations. It has come to my attention that in the polls of top college stations, there is little mention of WSUM in any sort of rankings. By working with the promotions director, and setting our sights on national recognition, I feel that both UW Madison and WSUM could benefit from the attention. By increasing the exposure of our station in the public eye/ear, underwriting could become a more feasible option for businesses looking to cater to the youth demographic.
Keeping in line with the standards set by UW-Madison and its Board of Regents, I hope you will vote for me as your station manager. I will strive to serve the student body with the opportunity to learn something new while gaining the confidence to broadcast freely on the airwaves, continuing in Michael Voloshin's footsteps. That is after all what it gave me, and what I will continue to grow as the creative and visionary manager of the station if elected.
-Quinn M. Wholean