Amy Fairchild – Amy Fairchild
- Post Authorby Web manager
- Post DateMon Nov 24 2014
“Situation” opens the new album with a hearty guitar strum while boasting a beat that pushes this along with the greatest of ease. Fairchild's edgy vocals skate across her acoustic guitar sound-scape with attitude and verve.
“Hold Me Down” cruises in with a gentle vocal push while Fairchild's rhythm section takes its sweet time punctuating her verses with their cool chord progression.
On “Peter Pan”, the band (featuring bassist Jeff St. Pierre, pedal steel player Jon Graboff, and guitarist Jim Weider, all in fine form) rocks things up a bit. Not only are they energetic, they rock with a sophistication in their nuances.
“Get It Right” benefits from a sprightly chorus. Fairchild's vocals land in that soft spot in between honky-tonk toughness and emotional honesty.
Closing out the album is “Love Love Love”, on which Fairchild and her band go into full electric, straight forward rock territory. With just a touch of folk in her vocal, this singer-songwriter jumps into her anthem of motivation and love. She's crying out for love's salvation and she expresses her hope and desperation with a voice that can carry all of those emotions in one single, assertive burst.
Recommended tracks: #1, 6, 11