WSUM's Exec Management team will be participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life this year!
The American Cancer Society is an organization that both does research towards finding a cure for cancer and provides services and help to those affected by the disease. Relay for Life is an event that takes place all over the country, where people get together in teams to raise money for ACS. At the end, all the participants gather together and stay up all night to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. This event takes place on April 10th at Camp Randall, which means that until then, the WSUM team will be fundraising!
We've made buttons that we're currently selling the station for $1. They're really fun – come get one to support the cause!
We're also hosting a fundraising night at Mia Za's on State Street on March 25th from 4pm to 8pm. If you go eat dinner there that night and mention our name (or give them one of our flyers), we'll receive part of the money from your purchase! Go enjoy some yummy pasta and help raise money to fight cancer at the same time!
Lastly, here is a link to our group's page on the ACS website. You can donate directly here. We really appreciate any and all support. Thank you for remembering those who have been affected by this disease!
Check out our team page!
Thanks everyone!