
Miike Snow Review

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    by Web manager
  • Post Date
    Fri Jul 29 2016

I've been to my fair share of sold out Majestic shows, and they are always extremely crowded, yet, the venue seemed to be especially packed full for Miike Snow's sold out performance on Tuesday night. Despite the close quarters, the audience bubbled with excitement when the stage lights dropped, and the band appeared on stage. Bright pink lights flashed as the opening notes of “My Trigger” kicked off the dance party of a night. As the song played, Pontus Winnberg was front and center on the bass while Christian Karlsson worked some synthesizer magic and of course, Andrew Wyatt was at home on keys and vocals. The band also enlisted a fourth musician on stage, the talented Nils Törnqvist, on the drums.


While the set focused mostly on songs from the new album, iii, there were also a good number of well-known older songs mixed in. The band played their new hit, “Genghis Khan,” much earlier in the set than I had expected them to, but it kick started the crowd's enthusiasm for the rest of the show. The lights dimmed and things slowed down toward the middle of the set while Wyatt serenaded the crowd with “Heart is Full” which then flawlessly faded into “Sylvia.” The tempo and the energy quickly picked up again later when the band played my personal favorite, “Song for No One.” For their last song, “Black & Blue,” the band truly went out with a bang and even blended some post-rock inspired guitar riffs into the upbeat pop song. Of course the crowd begged for an encore, and in less than five minutes Miike Snow took the stage again. If you couldn't have guessed, the band ended the night with their breakout single, “Animal.” The entire place felt electric. Wyatt sang his heart out, engaging the crowd, and I don't think a single person in the venue was standing still. Once the show ended I immediately wanted to see Miike Snow again, and I highly doubt I was alone in thinking that.


To be honest, I was a little worried about the live show since this is their first tour in four years, but I was absolutely blown away. The instrumental skills were impeccable. The three band members would switch around from keys to guitar to synthesizer, all while singing vocals, with ease. Many of the songs ended with extended and improvised outros before fading into the next. Also, the band's energy sparkled almost as bright as the flashing strobe lights behind them. The members danced around on stage, Wyatt sang to each section of the crowd, and at one point Karlsson was daring enough to climb on a speaker and jump off whilst playing guitar. It was glorious. Miike Snow is definitely back, perhaps even better than ever, and hopefully they'll be back in Madison again.
