The WSUM / Maximum Ink Top 41 is a countdown of the music from Southern Wisconsin released in the current year. The countdown is determined by listener votes, DJ Votes, and Local Music Professionals in Southern Wisconsin in two rounds of voting. In the first round, fans are able to vote and write in songs that are not on the list. Second round is the top 100 vote getters from round 1 and there are no write-in's. Once fan voting is done, then DJ's and Local Music Professionals get their say to determine the order of the countdown. The show is intended to raise awareness and celebrate the accomplishments of our local artists in the past year.
2017 will be the 5th year of the Maximum Ink Top 41. (Formally Max Ink Radio) Last year was the best year of the countdown yet, with tons of buzz during the voting period, and a large number in attendance at the Wisco during the live broadcast and great number of listeners both on Max Ink Radio and WORT. In fact, the Top 41 of 2016 raised approximately $1,000 in donations to WORT during the 5 hour show. Everyone involved with the Top 41 and local music on WSUM was very proud of that and we hope to continue to promote our local artists, get fans excited about the local music scene, local radio, and the Top 41 and do so on WUSM.
- 11/24 – 12/4: First round of voting
- 12/5 – 12/11: Final round of voting
- 12/10 – 12/12: DJ & Local Music Professionals voting
- 12/28 @5pm: Top 41 show day
- 12/28: After party @ the Wisco