
Kainalu Preview

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  • Post Date
    Sun Jun 16 2019

Author: Ben Farrell

Over the past three years, Madison-based recording artist Kainalu has slowly but surely made a name for himself in the vibrant local music scene. Now, he's got his eye on a national audience.

On Thursday, June 20th, the High Noon Saloon will play host to his sophomore album Lotus Gate's release party, an important step in the young artist's burgeoning career. Over the course of the past six months, Kainalu has been building hype for the release of his upcoming project, dropping three singles, titled LotusGate, KamikazeMushroom, and InNeedOfReason. If your not familiar with the Wisconsin native's music, the titles of these singles should give you a pretty good idea of Kainalu's work. Somewhere in between the airy and jam-bandy sound of Drugdealer and the new-funk synth-pop of Toro Y Moi, Kainalu brings you on a psychedelic dance worthy journey on every track, perfectly tailored to the feel of early summer.

Kainalu finds inspiration for his music in the funk and soul music of Mo-Town, as well as modern psychedelic rock, and that's clearly borne out in his music. The title off of Kainalu's second project blends ethereal vocals so deeply associated with psych rock with a creamy, swinging bassline. This funky mix is driven along by a classic drum kit, as synths seem to dance over the spaced-out rhythms.

Though Kainalu is a one-man-band, Trent Prall (Kainalu himself) will be joined on stage at the High Noon by a live band. A synth player, percussionist, guitarist, and drummer. Prall hopes to give his music a “more jam-oriented” vibe.

Kainalu's music has been featured on Spotify's Fresh Finds playlists, written about on music blog Ear Milk and played on the radio from Paris to Mexico City. June 20th should be the start of something big, and you won't want to miss it.


