Midwest Emo Essentials for Your Fall Playlist
- Post Authorby Music director
- Post DateThu Oct 31 2024

BY: Garrett Lublin
It's getting to be that time in Madison, t-shirts have been replaced by crewneck sweaters and sweatshirts, the warm summer sky has been replaced by a depressing gloomy cloud cover that seems to drag everyone's mood down. But to me it's not all bad; Even as a Los Angeles native, I enjoy being able to break out the flannels from the depths of my closet, see the leaves begin to change colors across state street, and use the weather as an excuse to stay indoors and watch a movie. Most importantly, and above all, I get a chance to update my playlist with lots of Midwest Emo to fit the fall vibe.
Originally, I had no idea what this genre consisted of. I had grown up an alternative rock kid, between Arcade Fire's classic albums like Funeral to MGMT's Oracular Spectacular, quote-on-quote “emotional” music was not in the realm of my daily listening. However, upon arriving in the great state of Wisconsin, I was introduced to the loud, impactful, basement-concert music that I now know as Midwest Emo. Whether it be simple association or the actual feeling behind the songs, these bands immediately became entangled in my ideas of fall. So, I decided to put together a list of my quintessential songs that belong on a fall playlist.
“In-Between” – Title Fight
There is an argument to be made that Title Fight, a band founded in early 2003 in Kingston, Pennsylvania, is one of if not the greatest Midwest Emo bands of all time. Although they have since broken up, their albums “Shed”, and “Floral Green” have left a lasting and important impression on the genre. This song in particular, with its distorted, droning guitar, ethereal vocals, and powerful chorus is my pick for the fall season.
“Tears over Beers” – Modern Baseball
Of course, for any Midwest Emo playlist Modern Baseball has to be included. Another Pennsylvania native band founded in 2012; they have been a staple of the genre for their albeit short existence. While there were plenty of songs to pick from their large and impressive discography, the ideals of winter tailgates and of course broken relationships that mesh so well with the fall season as a transition into winter funneled my decision into “Tears over Beers.” More upbeat than most Title Fight songs, this track is perfect for any walk to class or tight-knit basement party during the chilly fall season here in Madison.
“Scott Pilgrim vs. My GPA” – Mom Jeans.
Few titles can encompass so many motifs of the angsty, emotional teenager than this track off the 2016 album Best Buds. Unlike many bands within the genre, Mom Jeans Is still producing music to this day and have actually remastered many songs of their hit album with new acoustic styles. Scott Pilgrim vs. My GPA is not their most popular song off the record, however its slow acoustic guitar riff, whiney vocals, and anthem-like finish complete with a full brass section put it on this list for me.
“If It Makes You Happy” – Michael Cera Palin
A cover of the 1996 Sheryl Crow song of the same name, Michael Cera Palin turns this track into a Midwest Emo ballad. Atlanta-born lead singer Elliott Brabant shows off his vocal talent in this track, switching from depressing verse to powerful, near screaming chorus. While their entire short EP is filled with amazing tracks, in my mind most of them are a bit too upbeat and less characteristically “emotional” as this song, making it fit better to the fall vibe.
“Cinco De Mayo Sh*t Show” – Marietta
If you had no idea what Midwest Emo was, this might be the song I would play to describe the genre. From the album Summer Death (which could be literally interpreted as the beginning of fall), Marietta produces an impassioned anthem about existing without a purpose in a transient world. Sad, powerful, and sentimental, this song is a staple of the genre, a staple of fall, and rightfully belongs on the playlist.
If you were looking for any more songs or some more “deep-cuts” for the hipsters out there, here are a couple more of my recommendations to beef up your Midwest Emo catalogue
- “Next to You” – Macseal
- “Me vs. Your Friends” – The Flat Stanleys
- “Curbside” – I'm Glad It's You
- “The Thrash Particle” – Modern Baseball
- “I'm Still Cheering For The 1980s U.S. Hockey Team” – Oakwood